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If you drive a car that was manufactured after 1995, chances are high that you are using a transponder key to unlock the vehicle and start it. The reality is that few people know what a transponder key is and the specifics of how it works. This is exactly why so many vehicle owners are left clueless when their cars suddenly refuse to start or don’t even unlock. Most people will assume the vehicle has an electrical or mechanical problem and will spend hundreds of dollars getting it towed to a mechanic. In reality, the problem may be generated by the transponder key and may be very easy to fix. Let’s take a look at what transponder keys are and at how they work. We will then talk about some very common problems with transponder keys and about the solutions to those problems.
Old car keys were made only of metal. The shape of the key was different from vehicle to vehicle, so no one key could open two vehicles. However, with advancements in technology, smart keys were created. These are known as transponder keys. In addition to the metal part of the key, which is unique to every car, there is now a transponder chip inside the key as well. Many of you may not be aware that your car key contains a sensitive and highly complex electronic device in it. This is why it is very important not to drop the key or submerge it in water. But what does this transponder chip do and how does it help you?
The transponder chip sends a signal around it at all times. When you approach the vehicle, the signal is picked up by the car’s sensors. Newer cars will even unlock automatically when they sense the transponder key near them. Others will use the transponder chip only when you turn on the engine; the doors can be unlocked using the metal part of the key even if the chip is damaged. However, you will not be able to start the car if the chip inside your key is malfunctioning. Why? Because the onboard computer of your car must receive the proper codes from the key in order to start the vehicle. If these codes are not received at all, or if they are wrong by even a digit, the vehicle will not start no matter how many times you try.
The transponder key is a very good and intelligent security measure. It ensures that nobody can start your car using a duplicated key. You may be able to duplicate the metal part of the key, but duplicating the transponder is a very complex task that requires the use of state of the art tools and equipment. The transponder chip is programmed for your vehicle and for your vehicle alone. The codes are unique and are almost impossible to copy. In fact, there is an entire algorithm at play; one that cannot be broken by even experienced car thieves. But since the transponder key contains an electronic device, it is much more prone to problems than a simple metal key.
Here are just 5 problems that you may have with your transponder key: